Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Woof & Welcome!

Hi! I'm Indiana Jones (Indy for short) and this is my blog. I decided that it might be a good idea to start one and share the place I've visited that are dog friendly in British Columbia. I know lots of people like to travel with their dogs-after all, we're an important part of the family too!

When my mum and dad first started taking me on vacation, they spent alot of time looking for places to stay where I'd be welcome. Some of the hotels and B&B's said they were dog friendly, but when they read the fine print, it turned out they were really only mildly dog tolerant

One place insisted that dogs had to be kept in a kennel when cleaning staff came in to tidy the room. My mum thought this was crazy-I'm a Lab and how would she find room for a Lab sized kennel with all the suitcases, in a car?!? Another place said that dogs were not allowed on any furniture in the room and if they found dog hair on the bed or couches, there would be a hefty surcharge. If you have a dog, you know we shed and it's almost impossible not to have dog hair on your clothes, never mind the furniture!

So...I will be talking about some of the places I've stayed and giving my honest opinion of the experience. I'm also going to share reviews of dog parks and beaches I've visited and whatever else pops into my head. *squirrel*

I have an "About" page listed right below my blog banner where you can learn more about me and a "Things I Love" page where I've shared my favourite toys, snacks and grooming products. I'll be adding more info as I go along, but I wanted to get my very first post up.

Welcome to Left Coast Lab! 
Comments (and biscuits!) are always welcome.


  1. Hi, Indie! Finally! It's high time you were elevated to honorable status. I love you!

  2. I love this big nose photo banner. I cannot wait to hear all about your travels, Indy!
